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Art Show and Sale at Gilly Shaeffer’s

by Gilly Shaeffer, posted by Deb Shaw

Heteromeles arbutifolia, Toyon by Gilly Shaeffer, © 2015, all rights reserved.

Heteromeles arbutifolia, Toyon by Gilly Shaeffer, © 2015, all rights reserved.

BAGSC members are invited to this Art Show and Sale at Gilly Shaeffer’s home, studio and garden this Sunday, November 22nd.

It will go from 9:30 to 5:00 p.m. Gilly’s show is part of the Arroyo Arts Collective Tour which takes place around northeast Los Angeles area every year. Gilly will have many years of her botanical painting work on display. Robert Layport-landscape oil painter, Cecile Decigaran-jewelry designer, Carol Yin and Kylie Ruan- potters will also be showing their work at Gilly’s during this event.

If you would like to buy a ticket to attend other art sites on this tour, you can do so online at You do not need a ticket to come to Gilly’s—all BAGSC members are welcome!

The show is located at Gilly’s: 825 Elyria Dr., Los Angeles, California 90065

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