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Upcoming Botanical Art Classes at the Virginia Robinson Gardens

by Tania Norris, posted by Deb Shaw

Virginia Robinson Gardens has announced two upcoming botanical art classes: Anne-Marie Evans and Jenny Phillips.

Anne-Marie Evans

Anne-Marie Evans

Anne-Marie Evans (seated) assisting a student.

February marks the thirteenth annual botanical art class with the renowned Anne-Marie Evans. There will be two classes: February 4 – 8, 2013 and February 11 – 15, 2013 9:30 – 3:30 daily

The classes will be two separate weeks, but students may participate either week or in both  weeks as the flower painted will be judged and the winnerʼs painting included in the Virginia Robinson Gardenʼs Florilegium.

Price per week is $595. for members and $675. for non-members. A deposit of $100.00 per week, which is non-refundable, may be made but as space is limited, the full amount must be received by February 1.

Jenny Phillips

Jenny Phillips lecturing and demonstrating to a class.

Jenny Phillips lecturing and demonstrating to a class.

Jenny Phillips, one of the worldʼs foremost botanical artists and teachers, will return for two sessions: April 10 – 13, 2013, and April 15 – 19, 2013 9.30 – 3.30 daily

The price for the three day session is $375. for members and $425 for nonmembers. The five day session is $595. for members and $675. for non-members. A deposit of $100. per session, which is non-refundable, may be paid. The balance is due by April 5, 2013.

All painting subjects to be announced for both classes, and a supplies list will be sent to all participants.

Coffee, tea and water will be provided but please bring your own lunch.

To pay by credit card, contact Bianca at the Virginia Robinson Gardens at (310) 550-2068 or send a check made out to: Friends of Virginia Robinson Gardens, 1008 Elden Way, Beverly Hills, Ca 90210.

Please contact Tania Norris if you have any questions.

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