The BAGSC Botanical Day of Art is almost here, and the website has been updated with more information. There are still a few spots available for: Sunday, January 26, 2020 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden 301 N Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA 91007
Cost, BAGSC Members: $50 Non-Members: $60
Be sure to visit the BAGSC website at to review updated information, including:
A full schedule of the day;
Instructors and subjects for each of the four sessions;
Supplies provided;
Supplies for sharing;
AND the BAGSC Mercado!
Last year we sold extras from the art supplies purchased for the Day of Art, and participants were clamoring for more. We have just added a BAGSC “Mercado” to the day: in addition to the workshop sessions, BAGSC will be selling extra art supplies purchased for the “Day of Art” as well as gently-used art supplies in our very own Art Supply Mercado.
Please bring cash or check; credit cards will not be accepted for the Art Supply Mercado.
Registration is online and easy. Hope to see you there!