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© 2021, Lee McCaffree. Scoliopus bigelovii, Fetid Adder's-tongue. Watercolor on paper. Detail.


NOTE NEW TIME: BAGSC Sept Quarterly Meeting with special guest Lee McCaffree

© 2013, Lee McCaffree. Arisaema dilatatum. Watercolor on vellum.

All BAGSC members are cordially invited to our next quarterly meeting on Zoom, Saturday, September 21, 2024, 9:30 am Pacific Time. Please note the date change from our usual schedule.


During the brief business portion of our meeting you’ll hear about upcoming opportunities for workshops and exhibitions. We will then have a presentation and demonstration by our very special guest, BAGSC member and international teacher, Lee McCaffree.


This past summer Lee participated in the Oaks Spring Garden Foundation’s Botanical Artists in Residence (BAiR) program. She will be sharing her experience with us as an artist-in-residence at this world renowned 700-acre garden and library, originally developed by Rachel “Bunny” Mellon, located in Upperville, Virginia. We will see the work Lee produced at Oak Spring and watch her demonstrate her technique. Lee will share what it’s like to spend three weeks working and living at the Garden along with fellow botanical artists in residence from all over the world.


The program will be recorded for two weeks of unlimited viewing following the meeting for everyone who registers. BAGSC Members only.


To attend this special presentation, you must be a BAGSC member and RSVP for the meeting. Register by clicking on the green 'Click here to RSVP' button on this page.


Members who RSVP will receive a new link to the recording of Lee’s demonstration, which will be available for unlimited viewing for two weeks following the meeting. Members who attend live will be able to ask Lee questions. This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance your skills and watch a master at work.


Not a member of BAGSC? Go to the ASBA website by clicking here and follow the prompts to join. Be sure to add a BAGSC chapter membership to your ASBA membership for a mere $15 per year. That will allow you to participate in all our members-only free events and workshops, and receive a BAGSC discount on our fee-based events. Your membership will be good for all of 2024, and Lee’s demonstration will be our welcome gift to you.


© 2021, Lee McCaffree. Scoliopus bigelovii, Fetid Adder's-tongue. Watercolor on paper.

Information at a Glance


ZOOM, BAGSC Members only.



Lee's demonstration will be recorded for later viewing for everyone who has RSVP'd.



Saturday, September 21, 2024

9:30 AM Pacific Time


Contact BAGSC Meetings Committee by clicking here.


Contact BAGSC Media Committee by clicking here.





About our Presenter









at the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden, internationally, as well as BAGSC workshops and private classes in the Bay area. She supports botanical artists by participating in coordinating teams for art exhibits and jurying among many other activities.


Lee began her career in London, England studying under Christabel King of Kew Gardens. She received Medals for showing her “Pinus” series and “Plants in Peril” series at the Royal Horticultural Society exhibitions in London. Her works are in the permanent collections of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew Collection, London, the Filoli Florilegium and Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation.


Lee won Best of Show at the Northwest ASBA Exhibition in Portland, OR. Her showings include juried exhibitions at Contemporary Art Center, MOMA-New York; Longwood Gardens; Hunt Institute, Pittsburgh; Seattle Science Center; Flinn Gallery Greenwich, CT; Horticultural Society of New York; Missouri, Chicago, Denver and UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens; Strybing Arboretum, CA; Arizona Desert Museum, New York State Museum; Johnson & Johnson Headquarters; Oakland Museum; Loveland Museum (Colorado); Filoli exhibits and Florilegium; Northern California Society of Botanical Artist’s Alcatraz Florilegium and other venues.


She created the poster for the California Native Plant Sale for the East Bay for ten years. Her work has been published in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, England and Today’s Botanical Artist.


Much of Lee’s work concentrates on native plants, which she hopes will increase their visibility and use in public and private landscaping. Her skill as a botanical artist allows her to focus her creativity on the finest details of each plant she paints. Her enthusiasm inspires her students to develop their own skills and enjoy the creative process.​


Lee McCaffree is a botanical illustrator in watercolor. She is an active member of NCalSBA, has served on the Board of Directors of The American Society of Botanical Artists, and has taught at ASBA Annual meetings,

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