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Illustrating Native Desert Flora at UCR

As much a course in “art for botanists” as “botany for artists!”, this weekend workshop at the height of the desert blooming period, will provide some very exciting plein-aire drawing and watercolor painting. Pen & ink and watercolor rendering, focus/perception skills as they relate to plant identification. Detailed dissection and field work.

April 9, through April 11, 2010 Botanical Illustration of Native Desert Flora Weekend Workshop Art X454.5 (1 unit), REG # 094-SCF-F60, (credit & non-credit)

Desert Studies Center, University of California-Riverside (UCR), Mojave National Preserve

Instructor: Donald Davidson

Fee: $325 individuals/ $305 each couples, family members / $295 with PINE discount. Includes room and board. To register, contact UCR extension, or call 951-827-4105.

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