Listen and Download the Weird, Wild & Wonderful Symposium Keynotes
Impressions from Asuka Hishiki’s Techniques Demo during the WWW Symposium
New York Times Article about Carnivorous Plants
The Huntington’s Kathy Musial to be Honored by the Southern California Horticultural Society
BAGSC Adjunct Exhibition: People’s Choice Awards
Come Join BAGSC Members at The Huntington through Sunday, 9 August
Artists of the Future
The LA Flower Mart with Jim Folsom
Painting Nepenthes with Mieko Ishikawa
“Liquid Shine” with Elaine Searle
Bat Flower Intrigue
The Weird, Wild & Wonderful Pre-Symposium classes are underway!
REMINDER: What “Weird, Wild & Wonderful” Plant Have You Chosen?
Alain Touwaide to Give Brody Lecture: Gardens for Health: A Walk Through History
BAGSC Call for Entries for Our Own “Weird, Wild & Wonderful” and Plant Tour at the H
BAGSC Meetings for 2015