by Deb Shaw
Erythrina caffra, Coral Tree, original watercolor by Joan Keesey, © 2015, all rights reserved.
The Botanical Artists Guild of Southern California (BAGSC), in conjunction with Dr. Jennifer Funk and students from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Chapman University, will be opening an exhibition of botanical art entitled “An Illuminating Look at Legumes.”
Held in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of the Chapman University Leatherby Libraries, the exhibition explores the large, economically important plant family Fabaceae or Leguminosae, commonly known as legumes, peas, or beans.
Exhibit dates: Thursday, February 19 – Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Artists’ Reception and Demonstrations: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 5:30 p.m.
Doy and Dee Henley Reading Room Leatherby Libraries, 2nd Floor, Chapman University One University Drive, Orange, California 92866
Legumes are the third largest flowering plant family on earth, after orchids (Orchidaceae) and daisies (Asteraceae). They are incredibly diverse, ranging from huge trees, twining, vigorous vines to small delicate annuals and even a few aquatic plants. They grow all over the world, except in Antarctica and the high Arctic.
Many legumes have a unique ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen through their root nodules, and, in doing so can replenish our soils and colonize barren areas.
Accompanied by interesting descriptions of the plants by Dr. Funk, her students and BAGSC members, the artists have depicted members of this family that are important agriculturally; thrive in desert and semi-arid environments; are weedy and invasive; and grow as trees.
Artists include: Cristina Baltayian, Melanie Campbell-Carter, Diane Daly, Estelle DeRidder, Cynthia F. Jackson, Clara Josephs, Joan Keesey, Suzanne Kuuskmae, Patricia A. Mark, Arillyn Moran-Lawrence, Terri Munroe, Alyse Ochniak, Robyn Reilman, Mitsuko Schultz, Janice Sharp, Deborah B. Shaw, and Jude Wiesenfeld.
This exhibition has been sponsored by BAGSC, Chapman University Leatherby Libraries, and Chapman University Schmid College of Science and Technology.
For exhibit hours please visit:
Visitor parking near the Leatherby Libraries is available for $2.00 – $3.00 and may be purchased from the permit dispenser. For more detailed parking information, fees, maps and directions to Chapman University, please visit:
#botanicalart #beans #DrJenniferFunk #BAGSCshow #botanicalartexhibition #SchmidCollegeofScienceandTechnology #leguminosae #BAGSC #ChapmanUniversityLeatherbyLibraries #ChapmanUniversity #artexhibition #peas #JenniferFunk #fabaceae #ChapmanUniversityExhibition #LeatherbyLibraries #legumes #BotanicalArtistsGuildofSouthernCalifornia