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Botanical Art Featured at Palos Verdes Art Center

by Suzanne Kuuskmae

Suzanne Kuuskmae is the artist of the month at the Artist Studio Store located at the top of Crenshaw Rd. at the Palos Verdes Art Center. Go check it out! Also, there is a small group of budding botanical artists taking a class from Jennifer Seigal as part of the course offerings up at the Center. I (SK) was honored to be asked to speak to the group this past week about the five-step method of doing botanical drawing/painting. You may see some of these students at future BAGSC meetings.

In addition, I wanted all to know that the newly formed Pastel Society of Southern CA will be holding their first pastel showing from April 3 -17 with reception April 9 from 6 -9:00 p.m. at the Creative Arts Center in Manhattan Beach.  Hope some of you can make it to the reception and show.

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