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Writer's pictureDeborah Shaw

Celebrating Silver-The ASBA Turns 25!

by Janice Hoiberg

Ellie Yun-Hui Tu,

Dudleya greenei, Greene’s Live-Forever, Watercolor on paper by Ellie Yun-Hui Tu, © 2015.

This year ASBA celebrates its 25th Anniversary! Founded 1994, with 200 original members, it has grown to the vibrant organization of over 1700 botanical artists from around the world.

As part of the celebration a special ASBA 25th Anniversary art catalog, “Celebrating Silver,” will be published. Each ASBA member in good standing is eligible to submit a scanned image of an artwork on the ‘silver’ theme. You may use the media of your choice, including Silverpoint, but all subjects must be of a plant with silver in its scientific or common name, or have a silvery appearance. Examples are Silver Birch (name) and Dusty Miller (appearance). For further information, see the Call for Entries page on the ASBA website. The catalog will not be juried. Submission deadline is June 10, 2019. The catalog is to be published October, 2019.

In addition to the Catalog each of the Chapters and Circles have been asked to plan an event as part of a rolling series of celebrations held across the country on the theme of “Celebrating Silver.” BAGSC members are encouraged to submit a scan to be included in the catalog. Plans are in the works for a BAGSC art show of “Celebrating Silver.” Stay tuned!

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