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More Plant Choices for the Santa Barbara Zoological Gardens, “Zoo in Bloom”

by Deb Shaw

For those BAGSC members still wondering about which plants to paint for the upcoming “Zoo in Bloom” exhibition, a big thank you to BAGSC member Melanie-Campbell Carter for finding an online article featuring more plants at the Santa Barbara Zoological Gardens. Melanie sent a link to Gerhard Bock’s delightful blog and article: “Succulents and More (Embrace Spikiness!)” Santa Barbara Zoo.

Mostly Gerhard’s beautiful photographs, the article shows a range of the plant life at the Zoo. Although, as the blog title suggests, succulents are affectionately featured, there are images of palms, bamboo, a California native Sphaeralcea ambigua (Desert mallow) and more.

Happy painting!

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