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Update on Pasadena Home Tour Show

by Janice Sharp

Home Tour Program and Ticket

Home Tour Program and Ticket

The 42nd Annual Holiday Look In 2009 Home Tour benefiting The Pasadena Symphony Association ran Saturday and Sunday, December 5 and 6 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm each day in Pasadena. The tour was attended by 2,300 people. BAGSC was invited by Jane Herrmann to hang members’ works in her back stairwell (see initial story below in the BAGSC News blog).  Four paintings were sold as a result of the Tour, for a total of just under $3,000.00, including: Gilly Shaeffer’s, Three Hibiscus; Arillyn Moran-Lawrence’s, “White Satin” Still Life of Arum 6 lilies; Cynthia Jackson’s, “Bark”; and Patricia Mark’s, “Persimmon Pair”.

Unfortunately, as sometimes happens in a house built in 1917, a fuse blew and the power was out for a few hours on Sunday. The tour went on without light, but, eventually, the docents at the house were able to set up substitute lamps for the stairwell.

BAGSC Home Tour Catalog: Sample Pages

BAGSC Home Tour Catalog: Sample Pages

For the first time, BAGSC printed a catalog with thumbnail images of the artwork, and contact information for each of the artists. Catalogs were handed out to all of the tour participants, so that they would be reminded of the works they had seen. One painting sold after the tour was over, so the concept appears to be successful. We’ll explore more ideas about printing “take-away” pieces for future exhibitions.

The BAGSC show will remain up through the holiday season at Jane’s house, on exhibit during her holiday gatherings. Jane is very supportive of botanical art, with a wonderful collection throughout her lovely home, including antique and modern botanical paintings, including some Martha Kemp pieces.

Thank you to Jane & Carl Herrmann for opening their home. And best wishes to all for a happy holiday season.

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