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BAGSC October 10, 2009 Quarterly Meeting Agenda

Writer's picture: Deborah ShawDeborah Shaw

The October 10th BAGSC Quarterly Meeting will be at Tania Norris’ Home.

9:00    Coffee

9:30    Meeting starts promptly


I.       Welcome members & guests

II.      Secretary’s Report

III.    Treasurer’s Report

IV.     Membership Report

V.      Old Business

A.  BAGSC Revised By-Laws

B.  ASBA Annual Meeting in Tucson, AZ,  October 14-17, 2009

C.  Arboretum Marketplace Booth, 2010

D.  Margaret Best’s Class, Huntington Botanic Garden, July 21, 22, & 23, 2009

VI.    New Business

A.  Thank you to Sue Kuuskmae for putting together a news letter

B.  Jane Herrmann Home tour, Pasadena Symphony Orchestra Benefit Show

C.  Classes,  visitations, excursions & shows in the planning stages for 2010

D.  Akiko Enokido will report on the Florilegium Tea in England and the ASBA New York Horticultural Show, and show the catalog from the NY Hort. Show

E.  Nominations for President & Treasurer to be submitted to the Vice President, Norma Sarkin, in writing by email or from the floor at the meeting

VII.  Program

A.  Kathy Dunham will show how to sketch from camera and pictures.

B.  Please bring any BAGSC records, files or property, or a list showing what you have in your possession,  so we can create an up-to-date inventory.

C. Deborah Shaw & Tania Marien will bring ASBA 2008 conference leftovers to distribute to members.

D.  SWAP MEET: Members should bring art supplies they wish to sell, trade, or give away. Leftovers will be donated to a non-profit children’s organization.

E. Portfolio sharing: As always, portfolios and other learned items are welcomed.

Pot luck lunch will be served. Please bring a small salad, dessert, bread or soda to share; the main dish will be provided by the hostess.  Please RSVP to Tania by phone or email.

Questions: call or email Leslie.

See you there!

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