by Deb Shaw

Aristolochia californica, California Pipevine, watercolor by Lee McCaffree, © 2016, all rights reserved. This painting by Lee was part of the “Weird, Wild & Wonderful” exhibition.
The schedule for Lee McCaffree’s workshops, A Painting! What do you See? and Completing a Painting have been changed: both workshops have been rolled into one day, one workshop, on Saturday, March 19. The workshop will still be held at the Los Angeles Arboretum, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
There are still a few seats available. If you would like to take the workshop, but have not yet registered, please email BAGSC Treasurer Janice Sharp to let her know and make arrangements to send a check and/or bring it to the workshop on Saturday.
Cost: BAGSC members, $100.00/non-members, $120.00 Maximum number of participants (in each class): 15
You can see the original BAGSC News blog posting about the class here, including materials list and Lee McAffree’s bio. Don’t miss this great opportunity to take this rare workshop.