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Chapman University Exhibition Update

As you may have read in the BAGSC blog, through the efforts of member Diane Daly we have been invited by Charlene Baldwin, Dean of Leatherby Libraries at Chapman University, to hold an exhibit of members’ paintings. The exhibit will be on the second floor of the Chapman University Leatherby Libraries building in the city of Orange and will run from the first week of January through February 21st.

For the upcoming Chapman University Botanical Exhibition, we envision a display of botanical illustrations that show a wide variety of botanical subjects and illustration techniques from our guild members. We would like the exhibit, along with lectures and demonstrations, to educate the community about botanical illustration, its history and role in science, and its evolution as an art form.

The members of the exhibition committee are Diane Daly, Akiko Enokido, Irene Horiuchi, Clara Josephs, Deborah Shaw, and Leslie Walker.


NOVEMBER 12: Digital submission ends.

YES! ALL PAINTINGS that will be in the January-February show must be FINISHED early in November! That date is driven by holiday closures on campus that effect the Risk Management Department, and printing schedules. November 12th is the LAST day to send in digital photographs or scans of the art you are submitting. That means you must FINISH your paintings in time for you to have the scan or photograph received by mail OR emailed by November 12th!

No submissions received after that date will be accepted for the show.

You may submit paintings that have been in other shows or were not recently completed, so look through your portfolio for your strongest efforts!

At this time, we believe we will have room for four paintings per member; so aim for that. As we know more about the exhibition area, we may need to adjust that number.

NOVEMBER 19: Acceptance Notification

You might want to hold off on framing your entries until the committee notifies you by email on November 19th you that your submissions will be in the show.

THIS IS NOT A JURIED SHOW. However, if there are space constraints, then the committee’s objective will be to display the greatest variety of subjects. So, we will look for those plants that are less frequently painted.

FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY: Installation of exhibit during campus recess.


The reception will be held sometime this week (after the show opening). Chapman University has a wonderful caterer who will provide refreshments. This should be a lovely event to which you will want to invite friends and family.

Week of FEBRUARY 21: Show closes and paintings removed.


Deborah has again agreed to arrange for the printing of postcards. She plans to have them to you after Thanksgiving, so you can include them with your holiday mailings.

To unify the appearance of the show, we are requiring that all submissions be framed according to ASBA guidelines, using simple L frames with Plexiglas and in the lightest colored wood. Leslie will have more information about frame sources and will bring a sample frame to the next BAGSC meeting on October 2.

The University allows for the sale of original works, and does not ask for participation in the sale. Artists who wish to sell will be asked to provide their email or other form of contact so the buyer can contact the artist. The artist and the purchaser will arrange for the transfer of sold artwork after the close of the show.

Again: all paintings in this show MUST be digitally submitted via email no later than NOVEMBER 12th! SO plan and paint NOW for this wonderful opportunity!

Have a great holiday weekend!

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