Deborah Shaw
Note: A longer version of this article with detailed instructions has also been posted as a permanent “page” as one of the links across the top of the blog. Please click on the “How to Blog” tab in the upper right.
It’s finally here. The BAGSC Blog now officially replaces our quarterly newsletter. The advantage of our blog is that it allows us to really be a community — our members can comment and discuss articles; contribute stories and reviews; and let other members know about “calls for entries”, galleries, openings, and learning opportunities.
A big thank you to Sasha McMullen for contributing the funds to secure our blog URL address; to Margaret Best for allowing us to use part of a new painting (that hasn’t even been exhibited yet) for the first header; and to Clara Josephs, Arillyn Moran-Lawrence, and Suzanne Kuuskmae for contributing our first articles. An additional thank you goes to all of you for your patience in the time it’s taken for me (Deborah Shaw) to get this out.
How to read the blog:
We already have quite a bit of content posted. Only ten articles show up in the main window at a time. After that, the information is automatically archived by date and by the categories on the left side. Click on each category name to see all of the articles in that category. You can also search by any keywords you remember. The articles will always be in the archives; you’ll be able to go back and find previous information. Please explore the categories to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you click on the images, they’ll open in a new window at a larger size. (They may take a little while if you have a slower connection.)
In the “How to Blog” tab in the upper right corner, you’ll find instructions on how to:
Keep in touch
Please comment
Become a blogger yourself
Another way to contribute
Put your artwork in the header
To our members who aren’t connected to cyberspace:
No worries. We’ll periodically print out the blog and mail it to you.
Happy blogging to all!