By Sue Kuuskmae
Joan Keesey & Sue Kuuskmae with Hibiscus Kokio
The 11th Annual Botanical Art Exhibition opened at Filoli on June 23rd. Participating artists from BAGSC were Peggy Irvine, Joan Keesey, and Suzanne Kuuskmae. Joan Keesey showed her watercolor, Krantz aloe, and Suzanne Kuuskmae showed two watercolors, Lace Cap Hydrangea and Hibiscus kokio. Also hanging was Cyclamen persicum, a watercolor by former member Nancy Boyarsky. I drove up to Woodside to attend the reception and help at the sales table where I was happy to find Joan Keesey and her husband there as well. I was also happily surprised to see Margaret Best who was there enjoying the beautiful botanical art, and we all had a few moments to chat.
The art exhibition this year was held in the Visitor and Education Center rather than in the previous location, the ballroom of the main house. The paintings were hung in the main room as well as two side rooms that are adjacent. At the Artist Reception held on Thursday, July 16 from 5 – 7 p.m. refreshments were served, and the gardens were open for attendees to visit. It was quite a warm evening, so we were all very glad when all the doors of the Center were thrown open to catch the light breezes.
When my shipping box came back several weeks ago, I found that my Lace Cap Hydrangea had been sold, which I guess I should have been happy about, but for me it is always a bitter-sweet experience when I really loved the piece. Knowing me, I will be thinking seriously of painting something similar soon.
Joan Keesey with her watercolor, Krantz aloe
Sue Kuuskmae's watercolor, Lace Cap Hydrangea