by Deb Shaw

Lupinus succulentus, or Foothill Lupine, watercolor by Joan Keesey, © 2013.
The Irvine Fine Arts Center is holding an opening reception for “Paper Farm: Works on Paper” this Saturday, June 14, from 1–3 pm. Admission is free.
The exhibition runs from Saturday, June 14 through July 12, 2014, and features 47 artists’ works in ink, paint, pencil and watercolor of Southern California farm life and regional plants and animals.
BAGSC members Diane Daly, Clara Josephs, Joan Keesey, Terri Munroe, Mitsuko Schultz, Janice Sharp, and Deborah Shaw have artwork in the exhibition. Joan Keesey’s painting of Lupinus succulentus (Foothill Lupine) was used for the promotional materials for the show.
The Irvine Fine Arts Center is located at: Heritage Park 14321 Yale Avenue Irvine, CA 92604
Hours are Monday – Thursday, 10 am – 9 pm, Friday from 10 am – 5 pm, and Saturday from 9 am – 5 pm. The Center is closed on Sundays. Admission and parking are free to the public.
For more information, visit the website by clicking on the link above, or call 949-724-6880.