by Suzanne Kuuskmae, posted by Deb Shaw

Ripe Pineapple, watercolor on paper by Suzanne Kuuskmae, © 2014, all rights reserved.
Imagine my surprise when I was the only artist to get botanical work into the Torrance Art Museum Exhibition to be held through December. The paintings are: Ripe Pineapple (watercolor) and Epiphyllum (watercolor and pastel). There was a walk-around with the Juror, Scott Canty; and he quizzed me about painting from the actual plant, fruit or vegetable. I assured him there were many more than myself who were in the practice of painting this way!
The exhibition, “South Bay Focus 2014” is on view November 8 – December 5, 2014.
South Bay Focus is Torrance Art Museum’s annual contemporary and traditional juried art exhibition and is presented in conjunction with the Torrance Artists Guild and the South Bay Watercolor Society. This year’s Juror is Scott Canty, Director and Curator of the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery.
The Torrance Art Museum is located at: 3320 Civic Center Drive, Torrance, CA 90503, 310-618-6388. Hours are Tuesday – Saturday, 11 am – 5 pm, during exhibition dates only. Closed Sunday, Monday, and all major holidays.

Epiphyllum, watercolor and pastel on paper by Suzanne Kuuskmae, © 2014, all rights reserved.